Monday 13 October 2014

Rehearsal 6 - Organic Improvisations

Devising through organic improvisations instead of mentally planning and mapping out your movements allows you to free up your head and body which ultimately leads you to connecting to your partner on an intimate level as you have to listen and respond to one another. The level of intimacy that is created enables you to live and breathe the movements, and creates a level of trust between your partner which can't be created when you just think about what your going to do and do it.

When mentally planning a physical piece you can often be hindered by being scared or insecure because you have the opportunity to choose not to do certain movements that your perhaps unsure about, whereas when you improvise movements come naturally to you and you begin to create work and do lifts that you didn't believe was possible because is happens in the moment. This sense of freedom and openness allows you to feel comfortable with trying new things and exploring whereas planning only takes you so far. 

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