Monday 13 October 2014

Banana rolls and lifts

Surfing Banana Rolls

1.) One person starts off lying down in supine position, with their hands flat above their head.

2.) The other kneels besides them and places one hand on their partners thigh and another on there rip cage.

3.) the partner lying begins to turn and the other begins to follow, placing all the energy onto the other and stretching their hands as far out as possible. Lengthening the spine and quads.

4.) As the first partner rolls over they go to the floor and lay in supine position and other partner rolls over them in the same way.

5.) This continues on

Doing this exercise helps you build trust with your partner and also opens up your body, stretching your muscles and opening your back up.

Performing a lift

Shoulder lift 
Partners 1 and 2 stand shoulder to shoulder, they then walk in sync 4 steps whilst breathing. Then partner 1 jumps into partner 2 whilst partner 2 swings 1 around and up onto their shoulder. Partner 1 then stretches out and puts all their weight into partner 2.
Cradle lift
The first partner places their arm round partner 2's neck, making sure is secure, the first person jumps up and tucks their knees into their chest. Placing their other hand around the other shoulder. Partner 2 must catch them, wrapping their hands round partner 1's legs.

Pencil Lift
The first partner will stands straight and partner 2 stands in front of partner 1 and places both hands on their shoulders. Partner 2 jumps fairly high enough to build some energy. Partner 1 then then catches them and supports them, holding them just under the bum with both arms wrapped around their legs not just supporting with their hands. 

There are different types of lifts in which we have started to experiment with. Lifts are super important in helping you develop your gentleness and grace whilst performing and being aware of your body and others. 

Breathing is also a really important factor whilst doing lifts as breathing helps you focus and relax. If you hold your break (especially when holding another person) you may panic and feel like you can't hold them, this is because they are actually short of breath not because they cannot physically take the weight.

Timing is also another key element. You need to be in tune with your partner and communicate so you can work together well and get the lift right. If you don't listen to your partner, the timing won't be right and you could potentially hurt each other. 

Crossing centres enables you to gain more height and creates a quick and easy transition.

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