Monday 13 October 2014

DV8 Research

DV8 Physical Theatre was formed in 1986 and has been led since its inception by Llyod Newson. DV8 Physical Theatre receives regular funding from Arts Council England and is an Artsadmin associate company. DV8 has also received project support from The British Council. DV8 is a member of the ITC and Dance UK.

DV8 are an experimental physical theatre company that aims to take risks, challenge, motive and inspire. They explore the barriers between dance and theatre through the means of multi media and immersive theatre, combining interesting visuals and creative artistic story telling using the body. DV8 use both traditional classic dance and more modern contemporary dance in their pieces.

DV8 are very much driven by a want and need for more interesting, challenging and thought provoking theatre, that allows the audience to feel like they are living in a new world and have an experience like no other.

Film and video plays a large part in the work they do, mixing live art, installation, theatre and physical theatre together. This challenges the preconceptions of what theatre can be, how far we can take and how far we can push the audience.

DV8 often use political and social issues like homosexuality, religion and gender equality as their stimulus and test peoples attitudes towards these issues. They don't shy away from being offensive or controversial, instead shed light on these issues often in an intense and real way. This is why DV8 have gained their much deserved reputation. Research plays a large role in their desire to create pieces that are integral to the truth, the company will spend long periods of time researching and developing their work in order to create work that is dynamic and real.

They aim is to allow people to understand and discuss complex issues that perhaps are closed off from discussion or that are understood/accessible by certain types of people.

DV8 has also been known to incorporate dancers with disabilities into its pieces, for example in the film the cost of living, giving people opportunities where they may find hard previously and looking past the prejudiced and sexist ways that often theatre can be help accustom to.

It has thus far produced 18 dance pieces, all of which have toured internationally, and 4 award-winning films for television featuring the types of modern dance they advance. Some of which are named here:

  • Can we talk about this
  • Living costs
  • Just for show
  • Strange fish
  • To be straight with you 

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