Monday 13 October 2014

Physical objectives

Theatre practitioners work with objectives because having a meaning/intention behind your actions creates a strong narrative and allows you to open up an emotionally, connecting with the piece and making a more dynamic interesting piece.

You can use various objectives that change the way you hold and move with your partner. Here are some ideas about the way your body moves with different objectives,

To caress - with this objectives your body would be light and sensitive, you would touch and hold your partner with a sensitiveness. Your neck and body should be loose.

To hate - with this objective your body would be heavy and strong, grabbing your partner with a roughness and harshness. You shouldn't be afraid to be forceful in this objective as your whole body should be telling a story using your objective.

Using objectives gives you a base or almost starting ground to creating a piece that tells a story as you find the objective with in you and display it through instinct. For example if your objective was to hate, you have to find that hate within you which then fuels natural instinctive behaviour like pushing, pulling, grabbing etc. Using objectives can open up a whole spectrum of emotions and allows you to connect with your movements.

Your objectives could also change throughout a piece, as you listen to your body and your partners you may feel a sense of sudden love or care and you react with that in the moment.

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