Monday 6 October 2014

Place, press, push

Place, press, push is where you partner up and place certain parts of your body on your partner. This exercise is testing how much weight you can take but it also about using your body to connect with another and explore different ways to move around another body.

For example you would take your hand and place it just above your partners knee. You would then press further into there muscle and keep an eye on how your partner is taking the weight . Next you would push all of you weight into your partner. It is important to to trust yourself in giving all your weight and it is also important to communicate with each other is it hurts and you can't take the pain, in order to reduce risk of hurting each other.

You can then explore ways of moving around your partners body, jumping, spinning etc. This is a great way to build trust and start thinking about ways you can use place press push in our physical pieces.

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