Monday 15 September 2014

Process of a sun salutation

1.) First you put your feet together and bend your knees slightly so you have a a bounce. Place your hands on your thighs by your side. Then inhale and rise your hands above your head.

2.) Next exhale and bring your head towards your knees. Inhale look up and slide your hands forward, stepping back into the plank position.

3.) Then push your weight forward into the upward dog position (seen in position 7) hold that position and take an out breath.

4.) Roll your feet over until flat and fold yourself into downward dog position (seen in position 8) 

5.) After 5 out breaths in downward dog, jump forward, bringing your knees to your chest. Have your feet about a £5 note's length apart.

6.) Finally roll your back up, your head being the last part of your body to be level and repeat.

A sun salutation is a form of yoga which allows you to open up your airways and focus. Stanislavsky often used yoga teachings in his methods and would often warm up with a sun salutation.

Performing a sun salutation has helped me to gain focus and control over my body and breathing. It has also helped me get past the mental block that makes you think you can't remain in a position for a certain amount of time. For example (step 4) where you have to stay in downward dog for 5 breaths can be physically challenging, but the more you practice and the more you stop thinking about not being able to do it, the easier it gets.

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